3 Steps To Improve Physical Resilience
3 Steps To Improve Physical Resilience
The second core aspect of Resilience is Physical Resilience. Physical Resilience is integral to our success in many types of difficulty or uncertainty that we may face. Improving our physical resilience contributes greatly to stress management and resistance to illness. The general well being that comes from developing physical resilience will improve the outcomes of many scenarios that may be encountered in life from work demands to total calamity. What are the basics of physical resilience? How can physical resilience be improved?
Step 1 Fitness:
The first component of physical resilience is fitness. Fitness is a Massive subject that along could consume hours of content and still leave much left to be explored. Sufficed to say personal physical fitness is critical to our ability to handle stress, physical obstacles, and dangers from both infirmity and real peril. There are many programs and methods to choose from when exploring the realm of fitness. While future articles will discuss fitness in greater depth the first step is to make a commitment to small adjustments to improve strength and vigor. Start by gently removing poor eating choices. For example, it would be a disaster to attempt to replace all the food that you are currently eating to go totally home cooked organic. The change is too great to make in one move. It is unlikely that a person would be capable maintaining the mindset, motivation, and focus that would be required for long term success. What if however, a person was to decide to make a single, seemingly insignificant, change to their lifestyle such as removing sodas from their diet and replacing it with sparkling lemon water? This is an achievable positive change that will result in a series of positive successes that can be built upon to achieve more success. The same is true with a regiment of exercise. It would be foolish to head off to the gym and take on a grueling full body weighted program that results in soreness at best and injury at worst. Would it not be a better choice to begin with a short brisk walk everyday with perhaps a couple moderate exercises added in three days per week? These are obtainable goals that will result in measurable success that you can then leverage to higher targets.
Step 2 Nutrition/Supplementation
The second step to improved physical resilience is proper nutrition. There are literally volumes and volumes of information about proper nutrition and supplementation, and I would suggest that you do some of your own research into this important aspect of physical resilience. There are, however, many “common sense” steps that we can take to improve our nutrition. Of course, the example of eliminating sodas from our diet is and excellent and safe choice that will improve our health. Other simple and “common sense” choices might be reducing alcohol intake or quitting smoking/vaping. These are obvious choices that lead to improved health. There are also a great many supplements that can be used to help our bodies perform at the highest possible level as well as vitamins that are important to proper body function. As always work with your doctor, nutritionist, or holistic practitioner to determine the best choice for your personal situation.
Step 3 Defensive Skills
The third and final basic step in physical resilience is defensive skills. It is imperative, in the uncertain world that we live in to be defensively capable. This can entail many aspects and can become a very in-depth subject very quickly, but it comes do to having some martial knowledge either armed or unarmed. Of course, having knowledge in both is ideal. As with all the other segments we have discussed in this article the most practical way to achieve lasting results and success is to start small. Perhaps you could order a video series that will instruct you step by step how to apply some basic escape techniques or defensive strikes that you could learn in the privacy of your own home with a friend or family member before you make the decision to take a public class in some martial art. The movement towards armed martial skill is a big one that should not be taken lightly but may be necessary in this increasingly dangerous world that we now find ourselves. This will require far more significant investment in training and equipment. The stakes are far more serious whenever armament is involved. The gun is the “great equalizer” and as such has become one of the most common defensive tools and skills in the modern era. Seek out reputable and professional training in either new endeavor, and you will not be disappointed.
Taking stock of these three basic aspects of physical resilience will set you on your way to success in improved physical resilience. Remember to make small incremental improvements in each aspect to ensure long term success that can be built upon to achieve greater results as time passes.
Victoria Favet Paratos -> Victory Favors The Prepared.
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